Looking back on 2007 I realized just how much has happened for us this past year. We took a big step in February by moving aboard full time (a decision that we are so glad we made). Amanda started a new school, met some really great friends and celebrated her 16th birthday. We learned alot about the boat (and each other), definately got a little saltier and took a few hard knocks along the way. We met some really great people this past year and had a wonderful time with friends new and old. Chrokeva got a few upgrades including a new stove, new solar panel, new toilet, new windlass, and lets not forget the 110 washer/dryer. We also got our 200 gallon a day water maker up and running (which I am sure we will need now that we have a washer/dryer. All in all a pretty good year :)
Plans for this year? Well back to school for Amanda, work for Mark, and lots of time moving the boat and learning more about the Chrokeva. We would all like to get certified to dive since the Chrokeva is outfitted with dive equipment as well as a dive compressor (something that I think we all would enjoy). We will be spending the summer again in San Diego and hopefully make a few trips to Catalina and possibly the Channel Islands. Upgrades for the Chrokeva scheduled for this year are looking at a new paint for the topside and a haulout and bottom paint sometime this year.