Yeah it's finally 2009!! I cannot believe the time has passed so quickly. It seems that is was just yesterday we sold the house and moved onto the Chrokeva.
Amanda will be graduating high school in June, Mark will be retiring from the Fire Department in September and we will be heading to Mexico and beyond sometime in October. We feel very lucky that we have already made the transition to living aboard two years ago and since we spend so much time moving the boat from place to place within So. Cal. the adjustment to the cruising lifestyle should not too difficult (at least we hope not)
The to-do/wish list is a mile long and no doubt will take a small miracle to finish everything on the list but we figure what does not get done before we go will have to wait until we are out there. The good news is with so much to do I imagine the next few months will fly by quickly.
With everything there is to do I probably will not be spending much time updating the blog but will try to keep it updated with info and photos as the time gets closer to us cutting the dock lines.