Saturday, December 18, 2010

Puerto Vallarta to Barra de Navidad

We left the anchorage at LaCruz at approximately 8:00 pm on December 15th heading for Barra de Navidad (Christmas Bar) which is approx. 131 miles south of LaCruz. It was another all night passage but with Amanda aboard it seemed to fly by. The trip down was uneventful other than running into a pod of about 5 humpback whales approximately 50 yards off our port side. We have never been so close to these amazing animals and I have to say we were all a little awestruck. We also saw numerous sea turtles and that was a treat as well.

I am writing this update from the lagoon at Barra de Navidad. This is our first time here in Barra and I have to say we are all in love with it already. The lagoon is flat and there seems to be everything one can want or need readily available. The whole lagoon is lush and green so the scenery is amazing and the town is should be a great place to spend Christmas! We even have a turkey that we bought in Mazatlan for Thanksgiving but never got to cook in the freezer so we plan to have some friends over on Christmas eve for a turkey dinner and then join the rest of the cruisers for the potluck on Christmas day.

1 comment:

Brenda and David said...

Wow, it's great you were able to get pictures of the whales! Wonderful.
Happy holidays!