Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2010

Here are a bunch of random photos we took on a recent day trip to the outskirts of Mazatlan. Nothing particularly interesting but the photos are fun nevertheless. If anyone is wondering what type of animal is in the below photo it is a Coati Mundi which is a member of the Raccoon family, it is native to Mexico. The vaquero (cowboy) was actually picking up a six pack of beer at a local tienda and took the horse right inside the store (never even dismounted)...nobody even blinked an eye (except us gringos). I also thought the cactus growing on the roof of the house was a interesting thing...again only to us gringos I am sure :)

1 comment:

Brenda and David said...

Great pictures! I feel like I'm there :)

We miss you guys!